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As he read this note, the Judge's head was observed to droop suddenly, as if by a sickness or a spasm; but he recovered himself instantly, and whispering the officer who brought him the note, said, "See that that madman be immediately removed from the Court, and lock him up alone. He is so deranged as to be dangerous!"

The officer lost not a moment in seeing the order executed. Three stout constables dragged the astounded Dummie from the Court in an instant, yet the more ruthlessly for his ejaculating—

"Eh Sirs, what's thees? I tells you I have saved the Judge's hown flesh and blood. Vy now, gently there, you'll smart for this, my fine fellow! Never you mind, Paul, my arty: I'se done you a pure good—"

"Silence!" proclaimed the voice of the Judge, and that voice came forth with so commanding a tone of power that it awed Dummie despite his intoxication. In a moment more, and, ere he had time to recover, he was without the Court. During this strange hubbub, which nevertheless scarcely lasted above two or three minutes, the Prisoner had not once lifted his head nor appeared aroused