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When I first read the "Gedenkblätter," or words of advice, of the celebrated P. A. de Doss, I felt a strong desire of having them placed within reach of the youth of this country. I believed they would be productive of much good to our young people, especially to those preparing themselves in our colleges and seminaries for their future positions in life. But as I knew no one who would be willing to undertake the task of translating this little book, (a task not altogether light, on account of the original being written in very idiomatic German, often difficult to translate,) I undertook the work myself, and now offer the fruit of my labor to the youth of this country. A few times, I found it necessary to give a rather free translation, and in two instances, I chose examples different from those of the author, better to illustrate a given text. I am confident, if the kind reader will follow the advice of the much experienced author, and read attentively one or another chapter, at the same time asking God to give him grace to understand what he reads, and also to practice it, my labor in translating these words of advice will be amply rewarded: for he will be inspired with a great love for that holy virtue which is so necessary for every youth, and so dear to Our Lord that He vouchsafed to give it a special blessing: "Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see. God." The Translator.

May, 1877.
