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You have blood on your forehead.—What have you done?


Nothing, nothing… I passed through a hedge of thorns.


Bend your head a little, lord… I will wipe your forehead…

Golaud. (pushing her off).

I do not want you to touch me, do you hear? Go away, go away! I do not address you.—Where is my sword?—I came to get my sword…


Here; on the praying stall.


Bring it. (to Arkel.) They have just found the body of a peasant, starved to death, on the seashore. One would think they all wanted to die under our eyes.—(to Melisande.) Well, my sword?—Why do you tremble thus?—I am not going to kill you. I simply wanted to examine the blade. I do not use a sword for these purposes. Why do you examine me like a pauper?—I do not come to beg of you. You hope to see something in my eyes without my seeing anything in yours? Do you think that I know anything? (to Arkel.) Do you see these big eyes? One would imagine they were proud to be rich…


I only see a great innocence…


A great innocence! They are bigger than innocence! They are purer than the eyes of a lamb… They would give God lessons in innocence.—A great innocence! Listen: I am so near that I feel the freshness of their lashes when they blink; and yet, I am less far from the great secrets of the other world than from the little secret of these eyes!… A great innocence!… More than innocence! One would think that the angels of heaven were there ceaselessly celebrating a baptism! I know them, these eyes! I have seen them at work. Close them, close them! or I shall close them for a long time… Do not put your hand in that way to your throat; I say a very simple thing… I have no hidden thoughts… If I had a hidden thought, why should I not speak it? Ah, ah !—do not attempt to fly!—Here!—Give me this hand! Ah, your hands are too hot… Go away! Your flesh disgusts me! It is not, at present, a question of escape… (He seizes her by the hair.) You must follow me on your knees!—On your knees!—On your knees before me!—Ah, ah, your long hair at last serves some purpose!… To the right and now to the left!—To the left and now to the right!—Absalom! Absalom!—Front! now back! Down to the ground! down to the ground… You see, you see, I laugh like an old man…

Arkel. (running forward).


Golaud (affecting a sudden calm).

You will do as you like, do you see. I do not attach any importance to that.—I am too old; and then, I am not a spy. I shall await chance; and then…oh, then; simply because it is the custom; simply because it is the custom…

(He goes out.)


What ails him?—He is drunk.


No, no; but he loves me no more… I am not happy!…


Were I God, I would have pity for the hearts of men…