Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/148

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bad taken charge of a large mercantile house, in which his father was in- terested, and to which he gave his attention until sometime about 1872, when he began to give his whole attention to the practice of medicine and surgery. In 1873 he moved with his family to Eugene City, and in the same year lie was appointed physician at Klamath Indian Reservation, but he soon found the salary allowed much less than the profits of the practice which he had abandoned, and he resigned the position and returned to Eu- gene City, where he has since resided. In 1876 he was appointed United States Examining Surgeon for pensions, which position he still holds. Dr. A. I. Nickliu has had marked success in his practice as a physician and Sur- geon, and enjoys the esteem and confidence of all with whom he has come in contact.


Of Portland, is a gentleman well and favorably known in the ranks of the profession, and as the Grand Master of the A. O. U. W. is gaining an envi- able reputation throughout the State and adjacent Territories. He is an Englishman by birth, having been born in London in 1836, and is conse- quently forty-six years of age. His parents came to America when he was five years of age, and settled in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was educated. He is a graduate of St. John's College, of Cincinnati. He moved to Port- land January 3, 1877, and has been a resident of this city ever since. He has been a druggist for thirty-two years, and has a fine store on the corner of Second and Morrison streets, where he carries a stock of goods that would do credit to a city of even larger dimensions than is the metropolis to-day. The Doctor is an excellent business man, watches the market care- fully, purchases advantageously, and is prompt and obliging in his dealings with his customers. He is an old army surgeon, having enlisted during the war, servin;' three years; enlisting as a private, he was promoted to the position of hospital steward, and mustered out of service at Baton Rouge, La., as sssistant surgeon of volunteers. He was in the campaign of the opening of the Mississippi, capture and fall of Vicksburg, and also in Gen. Bank's campaign up Red river. Dr. Child has been a member of the Ma- sonic fraternity for twenty-five years.having passed through the Ancient York Rite, Master Mason, Royal Arch, Council and Knights Templar, and has held office continually in one or more of them for nineteen years. The Doctor is a genial, pleasant gentleman, and numbers his friends by platoons. None know him but to respect him, and having once made a man his friend he has no difficulty in retaining his friendship.


"In prosperity prepare for a change, in adversity hope for one." This is a favorite adage with him whose name heads this sketch, and we never see or hear it without having pleasant thoughts of him. He is a warm friend to those whom he likes, and will, as the saying is, "do to tie to." He was bom in Rutland, Vermont, July 4, 1836, and with his parents moved to Indiana