Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/152

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of California and in Southern Oregon. He became known among his com- panions as a good, whole-souled, jolly fellow, having a kind heart and pos- sessed of a dauntless spirit, and in the year 1856 he was elected to the posi- tion of Sheriff of Josephine count}-, being re-elected at the expiration of his term of office. Previous to that time he had been County Clerk, and had become a general favorite, and as soon as his second term of Sheriff had ex- pired he was elected Assessor. In 1862 he went to Idaho Territory and staid in Florence a short time, from whence he removed to Grand Ronde valley, Union county, where he has since resided. In 1866 the Democrats of that county sent him to the Legislative Assembly as a Representative, and in 1868 he was returned as a Senator. Since that time Mr. Hender- shott has remained at home, engaged in farming and stock-raising and has made for himself a beautiful valley home, and amassed a fortune that his industry certainly merits, but whioh would be much larger but for his princely liberality. In 1848 Mr. Hendershott was married to Miss Harriet J. Vincent, who was born in Georgetown, Ohio, in 1831. He comes from an old and well-known family, and is a cousin of the late Geo. D. Prentice, who was for years recognized as one of our most brilliant journalists and was editor of the Louisville " Courier-Journal."

LEHMAN BLUM. In our journey through life we occasionally run across a young man who in business, social and political circles, has fairly distanced competitors, en- dowed with greater advantages perhaps, but still lacking some qualifica- tions possessed by the young man who so soon outstrips in the race. That qualification may be embraced in a single word, ambition! Without it life loses half its charm and wealth its attendant pleas^^res. The young man whose name heads this sketch is endowed with ambition, coupled with in- dustry, integrity and good business sagacity. Success has therefore crowned his efforts thus far, and Dame Fortune smiles approvingly upon him. He was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, December 13, 1847, and came to this coast with his mother in 1853, she passing away in 1861. In 1865 he came to Oregon and commenced clerking for Jacobs Mayer, of Portland. He re- mained there seven years and secured a thorough knowledge of the dry goods business. He then went into business on his o^^^l account, the firm name being Harris & Blum. While a resident of Portland he was interest- ed in the advancement of the city and was considered one of its most enter- prising young men. He was for nine years Secretary of the Hebrew Be- nevolent Society, and for six years one of the Board of Directors of the Portland Library Association. Disposing of his interest in the dry goods business at advantageous figures in 1874, he accepted the position of travel- ing salesman for the well-known firm of Jacobs Bros., in Portland. He re- mained with them until 1878, when he went to Pendleton and engaged in the general merchandising business, and has already built up a lucrative trade, and will, we feel confident, within a few short years rank as one of if not the leading merchant in Eastern Oregon. He is a red-hot Repubhcan and takes a lively interest in politics. He has never aspired to the honors