Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/163

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considered a fine-lookiugf man. He is rather tall and slim, stauds erect, his face bejug smooth-shaved, with the exception of a mustaclio of dark browu. His head is well-shaped, with eyes well set back and fairly Klisteuiu^f with good humor. He is unmarried, "'tis true, and pity 'tis 'tis true." He is popular and makes friends everywhere.

DR. LANSING S. SKIFF. Dr. Skiif resides in Salem, the capital city of the State, where he practices the profession of dentistry, and in the annals of the dental associations of this coast takes a high rank as a skillful and successful operate:, havin/if produced some of the finest and most artistic work ever made on this side of the " Rockies." He is the founder of the Oregon State Dental Society, and served one year as President and two years as Vice-President of that organization. The Doctor was born near Syracuse, Onondaga county, N. Y., somewhere in the " thirties." He came to California in 1849, where he resided nine years, from thence coming to Salem in 1858, where he still lives. He is considered one of the substantial citizens of the city, and has been elected no less than five times to represent his ward in the Common Council, and has been one of the most active men of his community iu all enterprises looking to the advancement of the material welfare of the city and county in which he lives.


Of the well-known music firm of D. W. Prentice & Co., is one of our successful business men and has made a place for himself and a name for his house that is second to none other. He was born iu Worthington, Hampshire county, Mass, in the year 1835. After receiving the benefits of a common school English education, he was apprenticed to the cabinet-making and stair-building trades, and became a thorough mechanic. At the age of twenty-two he traveled west to Minnesota, where he worked at his trade for a period of ten years. He came to the Webfoot State in 1867, and took up his residence in Salem, where he lived for eight years. During this time he worked at the bench and aftewards became a teacher of vocal music. Here he met with such success that he was impelled to move to Oregon's metropo- lis, which he did in the year 1875. In his new homo he taught vocal music for one year, and then seeing an opportunity to go into business he did so, and bought out the branch store of the great San Francisco music liouse, Sherman & Hyde. At that time the business was very small and its con- nection with the outer world very imperfect. From this small beginning Mr. Prentice has, by close attention to business and a careful study of the wants of the music-loving community, made his establishment what it is to- day—the leading music house of the Northwest and a source of great pleas- ure to our people. Mr. Prentice was married to Miss Lizzie De Nure, iu Minnesota iu 1862, and they have one child. In business circles he stands in the front rank, and socially he is a pleasant and considerate gentleman.