Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/239

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1881, and secured the "Northwestern Farmer and Dairyman," and haH made it a valuable monthly visitor to the aj:,'riculturi8t. In December, 1881, he secured Mr. Samuel F. Blythe as partner in the publication of the jour- nal. Mr. Casey is the editor and business man of the enterprise, and to no more worthy and intelligent gentleman could such an important i»ositii>n be entrusted. He has received flattering recognition from some of the most eminent and practical writers on agriculture, and the " Farmer and Dairy- man" is often quoted by the leading agricultural journals of the East. He has traveled through about twenty-five States and Territt)rieB, and at all times has taken ^ deep interest in agricultural pursuits. He is well qnah- fied to give the result of his observations to the patrons of the "Farmer and Dairyman," as he is thoroughly practical in all his ideas. Mr. Casey is an honored member of the order of Odd Fellows. He was married to Miss Ellen Robbins, a highly accomplished young lady of Dallas, on the 3d of July, 1875, but on the 17th of January, 1879, his beloved wife jiassed from this life to " that bourne from whence no traveler returns," leaving two children, a boy and a girl, to occupy the care and attention of her sorrow- ing "husband. He is yet unmarried, and now devotes his time to improving and perfecting the " Northwestern Farmer and Dairyman."