Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/67

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he is

also proprietor of a large saw-mill and also of a warehouse. He was

elected Sherifl" i)f Limi county in 1872, and be was elected Mayor of Albany in 1876; he was also elected Lock Commissioner of Willamette falls by the legislature in 1876. He removed to Benton county in 1878, and 1ms lived there ever since, being engaged in the saw-mill business. In 18HII he was elected a member of the House of Representatives from that county, and was returned to the present session. Mr. Parker, therefore, has had his share of political glory, he has left an nnta nished record, and lias made a ]arge number of staunch and admiring friends. In 18ri2 lie was married to Miss Julia A. Umplirey.

HON. A. C. WILBUR. There is, perhaps, no member of the House better acquainted with the routine of legislative business than Mr. Wilbur. In his youth he had the advantage of a liberal college education, has had previous experience as a member of the legislature, and is, therefore, one of its most serviceable members. He is a quiet gentleman and a superior counsellor, but is either too modest or lacking in confidence sufficient to play the orator or logician before the multitude. He is one of the Representatives from old Clacka- mas county, which constituency he also represented in 1880. Mr. Willnir was born in New York in the year 1834, received the common school train- ing of days, and finished at Jefferson college, in Washington county, Pennsylvania. He emigrated to Oregon in 1870, and settled in Clackamas county, where he has since remained. Although Mr. Wilbur has always been a staunch Republican, he is by no means an extremist, and is always willing to examine any measure of legislation in all its lights, and do that which is best for the jieople of the entire State. Mr. Wilbur is an active member of committee on roads and highways,

HON. STEPHEN P. MOSS Was born in Peoria, 111., in 1840, and is now 42 vearsof age. He is the Demo- cratic Representative from Lake county, and, although lie is one of the quiet members of the House, every important measure receives his earnest attention, and, if meritorious, his v>-arm support. He is an old Oregonian, and a very successful farmer and stock-raiser, well-known among the agri- culturists of the entire State. He was educated in the schools of his native city, Peoria, until the age of twelve, at which time he came with his parents to Oregon and settled in Linn county, where he remained sixteen years, engaged in farming. In 1868 he sold out his farm, settled up his business affairs, and took a t'-ip to California, where he remained four years, during which time he was engaged in stock-raising. After the expiriition of that period, he returned to Oregon and secured a fine tract of land in Lake county, and engaged in raising stock. He has lived there ever since, and was elected in the year 1876 to the important office of County Commissioner. In politics, although Mr. Moss is not a bitter partisan, he is a strong adht^ rent of the old Jeffersonian Democracy, and a respected member of i\w Democratic party. Mr. Moss was married in 1861 to Miss Sarah E. Rob-