Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/87

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Collegiate Institute, Indiana, and was still a student at the breaking out of the civil war. Young Gilbert, together with a number of other brave young fellows, formed a company to fight for the unity and preservation of their country, and applied for admission in Lew Wallace's famous regiment, the Eleventh Indiana Volunteers ; but the young company came too late, for the formation of the regiment had already been completed, and they conse- quently were rejected. Mr. Gilbert disappointed, but not discouraged, and fired by the feeling of patriotism so characteristic of the young American, returned to Illinois and enlisted in the Twelfth Illinois Volunteers, serving in that regiment three years. At the expiration of that time he re-enlisted at Pulaski, Tenn., and was in active service until the close of the war, when he was mustered out at Springfield, Illinois. During his life on the field his regiment was in the Army of the West, under General Sherman, and he participated in the battles of Fort Donaldson, Pittsburgh Landing, the ad- vance on Corinth, and marched with Sherman to the Sea. W^onderful to relate during all this fighting our young friend received not a wound, al- though the deadly missiles dealt out death all around him. In 18(5() Mr. Gilbert came to Oregon, by way of the Missouri river and across the Mul- lan route. Arriving here he took up his residence in Salem and engaged in the boot and shoe business, which he conducted successfully for many years. In 1870 Mr. Gilbert was married to Miss Estelle McCully, daughter of David McOully, Esq., of Salem, and is now the father of two fine boys. In politics Mr. Gilbert has always been a pure Republican, and has been honored by his party repeatedly. In 1872 he was elected City Treasurer, and at the expiration of his term of oiilce he was re-elected. In 1874 he was elected a Representative to the Legislature, and he was re-elected in the years 1876 and 1882. Every time Mr. Gilbert has been elected he. has re- ceived the largest majority on the ticket. Such in brief is a short sketch of the gentleman who at the age of forty-two lias served his country faithfully on the battlefield and been honored by his fellow citizens in public life. He is at present engaged in the grocery business in Salem, and has a reputation for honesty and business sagacity that will commend him to the friendship of all. He is Chairman of Committee on Ways and Means.


Ts one of the Representatives from Tillamook county, and a pioneer of Ore- gon. He is a xjlain, sensible man, with sound ideas on all. matters of gen- eral interest, and with a particular desire to serve and advance the interests of the farming element. He was born in Laporte county, Indiana, in the year 1842, where his parents resided until he was five years of age. In the year 1847 the family came across the plains to Oregon and remained in the city of Portland about one month. While living there the father of the family, after having encountered all the hardships and privations of the trip, was taken sick and died in the land where he had expected to make a new home for his family. Mrs. Smith then removed with her family of young children to Yamhill county and took up a piece of unsurveyed land,