Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/9

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Some one who evidently knew what he was talking about has said "Oh, that mine enemy would write a book," Well, we have written ours, and here it is for our enemies to make the most of. We expect and welcome criticism, realizing only too well that our little work is incomplete, and perhaps somewhat crude in detail. Our only excuse is the hurried manner in which it has been prepared and the difficulties encountered in securing the necessary data on which to base our sketches. We have in six short weeks written brief biographies of upward of two hundred and fifty of the representative men of our State, residing in all its distant nooks and corners. This has entailed no small amount of labor on our part. Such being the case, we would crave the friendly indulgence of our readers and ask of them, so far as consistent with their good nature, "to pass our imperfections by." While we would not have them imagine that we have written biographies of all our representative men, still, we do flatter ourselves that those we have secured stand prominent in their respective stations. We may at some future time complete the task that has thus far been but barely commenced. Meanwhile, we set this little waif afloat upon the almost boundless sea of literature, trusting that it may at least fill its allotted sphere; and, sometime, in the dim future, when those whose names are inscribed herein shall have passed away, serve to recall their virtues and bring to mind the then representative men of Oregon. If it will do this, and at the same time please our patrons, we are content. Thanking a generous public for the liberal support accorded us, we remain very respectfully their obedient servants, The Publishers.