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In 1973, Schucman and Thetford presented the third draft of the complete manuscript to Dr. Kenneth Wapnick ("Wapnick"), a psychologist to whom they had been introduced in 1972 and who subsequently became a teacher of the Course, co-founder and president of FACIM, and a director and executive committee member of FIP. Wapnick reviewed the draft and discussed with Schucman further revisions that were needed to place the book in final form. Over the next thirteen months, Wapnick and Schucman edited the manuscript again, altering chapter and section headings to make them more consistent with the sections to which they referred, and correcting various inconsistencies in paragraph structure, punctuation, and capitalization. When they were unsure about whether to make a particular change, Schucman would ask for guidance from the Voice. Wapnick has stated that "[Schucman] did feel Jesus allowed her the license to make minor changes in the form as long as the content was not affected."

The Course contains numerous psychological terms and ideas, such as denial, projection, dissociation, and hallucination. Wapnick has stated that Jesus made use of Schucman's educational background, interests, and experience in dictating the Notes, while Thetford has stated that the Notes were alien to Schucman's background, interests, and mode of conceptualizing ideas. Nevertheless, the Course includes many ideas similar to those which