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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Page 2 of telegram to Amembassy LONDON


views. End FYI

With above in mind and following Secretary's talk with Makins which will be reported to you, you should see Eden and reiterate to him our position along following lines:

1. We clearly understood from Bidault at Berlin that our agreement to discuss Indochina at Geneva was on condition France would not agree to any arrangement which would directly or indirectly result turnover area to Communists. We presume British because of vital security interests in area as well as their role in free world would solidly support this position.

2. Our views on any special position for Communist China at Geneva have already been made clear (DEPTEL 4982 repeated Paris as 3340).

3. Our basic position on Communist China is contained in Secretary's March 29 speech of which you should give copy to Eden if you have not already, particularly emphasizing eighth paragraph from end in which is contained following sentence: "We shall not however be disposed to give Communist China what it wants from us merely to buy its promises of future good behavior."

4. Insofar as development US position is concerned, our preliminary views on substance and procedure contained numbered paragraphs 1 and 2 DEPTEL 3401 to Paris (repeated London 5067, Saigon 1814) and these views should also be conveyed Eden.

5. We believe it essential at this time have understanding above basic points on which we would hope for strong British support with French.

6. Re foregoing DEPTEL 3353 to Paris repeated London as 5070 also provides further guidance.

