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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011




Scope of This Annex

1. This Annex seeks to assess the risk, requirements, and consequences of alternative forms of U. S. military intervention in Indochina.

Objective of U. S. Intervention in Indochina

2. The immediate objective of U. S. military intervention in any form would be the destruction of organized Vietminh forces by military action limited to the area of Indochina, in the absence of overt Chinese Communist intervention. However, whether or not the action can be limited to Indochina once U. S. forces and prestige have been committed, disengagement will not be possible short of victory.

3. The increased risk of such Chinese Communist intervention is assessed under each alternative form of U. S. military intervention. U. S. action in the event that the Chinese Communists overtly intervene in Indochina is covered by existing policy (NSC 5405).

4. The implications of U. S. intervention go far beyond the commitment and support of the military requirements identified below under the several alternative courses. To meet the increased risk of Chinese Communist intervention and possibly of general war, measures must be taken inside