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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


lending up to the Geneva conference, to de-emphasize "hysteria" publicity, and to bring about widespread recognition of and appropriate attention to tho following themes:

a. France in supporting the fight of the Associated States of Indo-China against Communist domination, is the principal nation no shedding its blood for the freedom of others.
b. The French Government has made major sacrifices in terms of its young military manpower, its economic resources and its political position in order to defend the cause of liberty and freedom from Communism in Indo-China.
c. The French Government has accepted the principle of self government and sovereignty for the Associated States of Indo-China and has in fact more than satisfied the initial demands of Ho Chi Minh, thus providing evidence that the Viet Minh are fighting not for freedom but for the Communist cause.
d. The cause of the Associated States of Indo-China is the cause of all countries in South Asia who desire freedom from Communist domination and self determination with respect to their political and economic objectives.
e. The cause of Viet Minh as with all Communists is the cause of colonization and subservience to Kremlin rule as was the cause in China, in North Korea and in the European satellites.
Action: State, Defense, CIA, USIA