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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


c. A specific emphasis should be established within the U.S. to provide for tho orientation of all official U.S. personnel assigned to duty or visiting Indo-China so that maximum favorable psychological effect is derived from all their activities and contacts.
Action: Operations Coordinating Board
d. Development of indigenous leadership which will be truly representative and symbolic of Indo-Chinese national aspirations and win the loyalty and support of the people.
Action: State, Defense, CIA
e. Subsidization of indigenous newspapers and public information media, including provision of equipment and supplies as well as air transport to remote population centers.
Action: CIA, USIA
f. Upon establishment of necessary agreements with the French Government as prescribed above, augmentation of the US Vietnam guerrilla warfare potential in Indo-China.
Action: Defense, CIA


(A) If the above actions can be completed at an early date with full French support (and on the assumption that the Chinese communists do not intervene overtly in Indo-China), it is considered that this program will have the effect of reversing the present situation and give promise of leading to an ultimate victory in Indo-China without overt use of US military forces.