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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


(2) The U.S. should affirmatively attack the economic problems that grow out of the instability of demand for primary products (such as rice, tin, oil, etc.) in the area, and should give major attention to the development of mutually desirable economic programs and assistance as between the U.S. and Southeast Asia.
Action: FOA, State, Commerce
(3) Technical programs, particularly those designed to achieve improvement in agricultural skilled and semi-skilled labor, should be stepped up. Leadership programs, however useful, cannot alone overcome the deficiencies in those areas.
Action: State, FOA
(4) Capital investment associated with indigenous interests in the area should be encouraged. This includes the establishment of:
a. A climate of opinion in the countries concerned favorable to foreign investment.
b. The establishment by treaty of the rights and obligations of U.S, investors in the countries.
c. The creation in the U.S. through a system of guarantees of adequate and attractive investment opportunities.
Action: State, Commerce, FOA, Treasury
(5) The Export-Import Bank and the International Bank should be encouraged to extend loans to Southeast Asia for economic development.
Action: State, FOA
(6) The U.S. should discreetly promote reasonable reparations settlements between Japan and Southeast Asian countries.
Action: State