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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


that the US provide a large carrier and aircraft of types familiar to French pilots for French air strikes in support of the Dien Bien Phu battle (see attached cable) it would appear that:

a. The French will have had the "Belleau Wood" a whole year without making use of her in the fight for Indochina.
b. She is currently being used as a delivery wagon rather than as a combat vessel.
c. Despite France's urgent need for additional fighter aircraft in NATO and in Indochina the French will manage to find time to build, sell and deliver 32 jets to India.

C. H. Bonesteel, III
Brigadier General, USA
Defense Member
NSC Planning Board


1. Cable D/State to Paris, 3541 dtd 8Apr54, sgnd Dulles, Secret
2. Naval Mes 7048 dtd 061330s, Secret
3. Cable DA IN 49168 frm Paris dtd 3 Apr 54, Top Secret
4. Cpy Memo to Sec/Navy frm ASNA dtd 16Mar54, Secret
5. Cpy Memo to Sec/Navy frm AS0Air dtd 3Sept53, Restr. w/incl. cpy memo for Sec/Navy frm Sen. Buffner, dtd 1Sept53, Conf.

Prep:Col Black/isc/10 Apr54/OASD(ISA)

Cpy # 1-Mr. Cutler
2-R&C Files
3 & 4-OSD Files
5-SWO Lewis, Comeback, 2B853