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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


e. The matter of local defense of the fields, when operational, adds to the continuing logistic supply effort.
f. The project, even reduced to consideration of the one field at Seno, unquestionably involves continuing participation of U.S . military forces in active operations. The prospects of dis engaging them appear remote if the fields are to remain in active operation, as the capabilities of the French to take on the continuing supply effort are questionable. In fact, the probability of continuing and expanded participation by U.S. military personnel is high. Increased risk of U.S. personnel casualties is also involved.
g. The question resolves itself really to whether or not we are, under the guise of a last minute effort to relieve Dien Bien Phu to commence active participation by U.S. forces in the Indochina war.
h. With regard to the furnishing of privateer aircraft this request can be handled through regular MDAP channels, but expedited. The first ten airplanes, are now being assembled and prepared, and air delivery to Saigon will be expedited. The additional ten can be provided at a later date.

3. In summary:

a. Employment of U. S. planes and crews, and GOA and supervisory construction personnel, on missions stated, would have the following major military consequences:
(1) Involve U.S . Armed Forces in direct participation in military operations in Indochina.
(2) Mounting scale of U.S. Armed Forces participation due to requirements for local security, and increasing demands for combat and service support for both U.S. and French forces.
(3) Greatly increased risk of U.S. personnel casualties due to enemy action, including capture.
(4) Some increased risk of armed intervention by Communist Chinese forces.
b. Within the approximate time limits suggested, the rehabilitation and extension of the field at Seno appears to be feasible.