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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


b. Reference paragraph 31.
(1) A military plan for U.S. intervention in Indochina has been completed and approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This plan has been forwarded to appropriate commanders of airfield commands for the preparation of detailed plans.
(2) The Joint Chiefs of Staff currently have under preparation an outline plan based upon concurrent renewal of hostilities in Korea and intervention in Indochina by the Chinese Communists.
(3) CINCPAC has been directed to prepare plans as follows:
(a) Blockade- of China coast.
(b) Assist ance to the British in HongKong, as desirable and feasible.
(c) Evacuation of French Union forces from the Tonkin Delta.
(d) Participation defensively or offensively of Chinese National forces.
(4) CINCPAC Operation Plan No. 44-53 is a plan approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff for a naval blockade of Communist China.
(5) Other CINCPAC Operation Plans have been prepared to cover the contingencies in paragraph (3) above, but have not yet been approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
c. Although not directly part of the implementation of NSC 5405, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have under preparation the military plans directed in NSC Action No. 1086 a. These plans cover not only U.S. intervention in Indochina but also augmentations in forces and supplies required to permit the United states to maintain at present levels its present defense commitments and to be prudently prepared to face possible increased risks of (1) Chinese Communist intervention, and (2) general war.


Colonel, USMC
Deputy Chief.