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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


steps as it then felt were necessary. Consideration must be given to what steps could be taken if we withdraw from a conference which we helped initiate and of which we were an inviting Power. If such steps to be contemplated include any direct military action in the area, the U.S. would be risking being called an "aggressor" if it tried to take action of this sort while the Conference was still in session. Para. 29 of NSC 5405, the approved policy on Southeast Asia, states "If the French actually enter into negotiations with the Communists, insist that the United states be consulted and seek to influence the course of the negotiations." You presumably will want to discuss this comment of paragraph 7 with Admiral Radford.

In case you want to send a written reply to Mr. Murphy we attach a draft. Note that it says you have discussed it with Admiral Radford who agrees. We have not shown it to Admiral Radford so you should do so before sending it (his office has been given a copy). Also note it questions the need for sending any such instructions on "posture" at this late date.

C. H. Bonesteel, III
Brig. General, USA
Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
for National Security Affairs

Attachment - 1

Draft Memo

Orig - DepSecDef
Cy 2 - Adm Radford
3 - Capt Grant, OFMA
4 - ISA(R&C) Files
5 - Stayback

CHBonesteel/mm/10 May 54
OASD(ISA) 2B840 7801