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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Page 2 of telegram toAmembassy PARIS


2. President would ask Congress for authority to use armed forces of US in area to support friendly and recognized governments against aggression or armed subversion fomented from without, provided he could then state that following conditions had been or would be met:

(a) That US military participation had been formally requested by France and three Associated States;
(b) That Thailand, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom also had received similar invitations and that we were satisfied that first two would also accept at once; that next two would probably aссept following Australian elections, if US invokes ANZUS Treaty; and that U.K. would either participate or be acquiescent.
(c) That some aspect of matter would be presented to UN promptly, such es by request from Laos, Cambodia or Thailand for peace observation commission;
(d) That France guarantees to Associated States complete independence, including unqualified option to withdraw from French Union at any time;
