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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Page4of telegram toAmembassy PARIS


implications would be extremely serious and far-reaching. Removal any taint colonialism would be essential to success of operation in Indochina, to attraction of potential Asian support, and to forestalling opposition by other Asian and Middle Eastern countries. In view of these factors, you will appreciate that conditions indicated would be absolutely indispensable as basis for our action.

5. The U.S. would continue its efforts to broaden united action operation by seeking to bring in other countries whose interests are affected and to formalize the coalition as, for example, by negotiation of regional defense pact.

6. Unless you consider timing unwise in light of factors stated in para 1, you may outline foregoing orally to Laniel as your estimate of indispensable conditions in light of your knowledge of current high-level thinking in Washington in advance receipt by you of official reaction to your report of his proposal. You should leave nothing in writing with him. You should make clear to him, however, that we would not wish to proceed with any of this program unless National Assembly supports position of his government, as outlined first paragraph your cable. If that, occurs and Laniel wishes
