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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Page 3 of telegram toAmembassy PARIS


take place, and disappointment will set in correspondingly quickly. We suggest therefore that following measures be taken simultaneously. or as soon as practical:

a. Participation of Associated States in programming all aid and direct receipt of military materiel aid. (This might require eventual renegotiation of pentapartite military agreement, but should not (repeat, not) delay implementation.)
b. French should promptly find specific ways of giving Associated States, and particularly Vietnamese Ministry of Defense and Vietnam national army greater sense of participation in measures required for defense of their territory. We conceive such participation as being progressive in character.

5. Fundamental to problem is establishment at earliest date possible of representative and authentic nationalist governments. We would hope insofar as Vietnam concerned that French would join with us in impressing Bao Dai with necessity adopting prompt and effective measures to this end.

6. Furthermore, we believe series of measures could be taken locally, even in advance of full implementation Treaties, which should have favorable public effect in Associated States. These could take form of liberalization existing Franco-Associated States accords in such manner as to attain some of objectives toward which we are working. Owing to rapid military and political developments in Associated States, we are unable specify at this time exactly what these measures may be, but believe Embassy Saigon and Commissariat General in consultation may be able make appropriate recommendations to Department and Paris.


