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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011
(3) Increase monetary value of FY 54 MDA Programs for Indochina, as may be necessary and feasible to provide additional materiel and/or training requested by Chief, MAAG, Indochina.
(4) Undertake the implementation of these instructions through such organizations and by such procedures as are considered necessary to insure prompt and effective response to valid requests for assistance.
Discussion: To date, restrictive criteria and procedures have seriously handicapped the administration of MDAP assistance in the support of the effort in Indochina. MDAP assistance is normally used to support a training and re-equipment program. In Indochina, however, such equipment is being used to support an active campaign. The purpose of the above is to free the Services of all restrictive criteria other than final legal limitation of available funds in order that prompt and effective response may be achieved in meeting all valid requests received from Chief, MAAG, Indochina.
h. Give consideration to interim revision of French NATO commitments in Europe in order to allow provision of additional French air personnel to Indochina.
Discussion: Shortage of air personnel has been one major factor in prolonging the war. A reappraisal of French NATO commitments should be considered with a view toward releasing additional French air personnel for Indochina.
i. Insure that personnel assigned to MAAG, Indochina, are qualified to advise the French Union forces on U.S. tactics and techniques.
Discussion: This would provide the benefit of U.S. battle experience for use in Indochina.
j. Consideration should be given at Governmental level to the proposition of declarations as follows:
(1) By France: A declaration of intention to prosecute the war in Indochina to a successful conclusion and looking toward the more complete independence of the Associated States of Indochina.