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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


30 January 1954

MEMORANDUM FOR: Lt. General Jean Valluy,
French Military Mission to the United States

Admiral Radford, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, has asked me to convey to you the following message which he is certain you would be interested in receiving as son as possible.

Admiral Radford has received approval from higher authority for the transfer to Indo-China immediately of 10 additional B-26 type aircraft to bring the two existing B-26 squadrons of the French Air Force up to a strength of 25 planes each. This will bring to a total of 22 the airplanes of this type now in process of delivery or to be delivered to Indo-China in the immediate future. Directives for the movement of these aircraft have already been sent to the Commanding General of the U.S. Air Force in the Far East.

The U.S. Air Force is now assembling for immediate transportation to Indo-China 200 uniformed U.S. Air Fore mechanics, who will augment the United States Military Assistance Group in Indo-China for the purpose of assisting the French Air Force in the maintenance of C-47 and B-26 aircraft.

The matter of the provision of 25 additional B-26 aircraft for a third squadron is still under consideration. Decision will be made subsequent to the receipt of reports from General O'Daniel upon return to Washington about 7 February from his current mission in Indo-China, and information which Admiral Raford is expecting from General Valluy as to ability of the French Air Force to obtain from France additional maintenance personnel, either civilian or military.

Captain, USN

cc: Admiral Davis

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of 1 pages series A .