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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


15. Naval amphibious assault units (Dinassau) are active in their assigned areas. A review of their small craft requirements is now underway, and will be the subject of another report. Meanwhile, training of new assault units is progressing.

16. Vietnamese personnel are now considered by the French Navy to be capable of handling all small craft and, with some French supervision, larger ones. Accordingly, recuit and NCO training at NHA TRANG has been stepped up, and more Vietnamese officers are being sent to France for technical training.

17. With U.S. programmed support, the F.U. Navy has been fully committed to operations that strain to the utmost their personnel involved. They are employing sound tactics and appear well lead in the field.

18. A requirement for additional maintenance and logistic support exists if the operational capabilities of the FAF in Indochina are to be maintained or increased. The arrival in Indochina on 5 February 1955, of USAF maintenance personnel will largely satisfy the requirement. No recommendation as to additional personnel needs will be made until the work of this group can be evaluated.

19. The training school for Vietnamese airmen at NHA TRANG is well established, and the program is considered adequte for the contemplated employment of personnel.

20. My current arrangements with General Navarre do not include establishment of myself, with a small staff, in Saigon. However, he assented to periodic visits and agreed to my liaison personnel. A small permanent Joint Staff is needed to prepare detailed operations