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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011



6. The development of the proposed forces for Viet Nam and Cambodia will require extensive and detailed training which will extend over a period of 3 to 5 years. The French should relinquish over-all command of the Armed Forces of Viet Nam as rapidly as possible with complete removal of forces when the Vietnamese are capable of exercising command of an effective force. The Vietnamese capability along these lines should be developed by intensive training and by progressive promotion of Vietnamese officers to posts in command of larger units and to positions of increased responsibility.

7. The Joint Chiefs of Staff consider that prior to the assumption of support of the forces of the state of South Viet Nam, a definite agreement should be obtained from the French Government with respect to the timing of their programmed phased withdrawal. The phasing out by the French should be correlated with the ability of the Vietnamese to take over this responsibility from the French, and at the same time assume command.

8. Although introduction of military equipment into Viet Nam above the levels existing at the time of signing the Geneva Armistice Agreement is prohibited, it is estimated that sufficient materiel is available in Viet Nam from that which was previously delivered to Indochina for the French Union Forces. The primary problem pertaining to materiel would be to insure that the French, while executing their phased withdrawal from Indochina, leave in Indochina the materiel and equipment required, insofar as available, for the use of the Viet Nam Armed Forces. It should also be emphasized that this materiel and equipment should be left in good operating condition.

9. The supply of items such as pay, food, uniforms, and POL, should be furnished by the Associated States to the maximum extent of their capabilities. However, it is fully recognized that, due to economic conditions in the associated states, they would require extensive support concerning these items. Such support as may be supplied by the United States should be furnished out of Mutual Security funds administered by Foreign Operations Administration.

10. Indochina is an important part of Southeast Asia and merits limited U.S. support in implementation of national policy in that area. The United States is supporting military programs in this area, which possess a capability of producing effective military forces. In view of the uncertain capabilities of the French and Vietnamese to retrieve, retain, and