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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011
Department of State



Amembassy LONDON Amembassy SAIGON Am embassy PARIS Am embassy PHNOM PENH Am legation VIENTIANE

Re preceding telegram.

Follows text of message which approved by US and French delegations for transmittal to respective missions SAIGON. QUOTE: In French-US discussions here, we and French have reached conclusion we should support Diem in establishment and maintenance of strong, anti-Communist and nationalist government. To this end France and US wi11 both urge all anti-Communist elements in Viet-Nam to cooperate fully with the government of Ngo Dinh Diem.

We recognize five key elements which, can provide a stable anti-Communist nationalist government under Diem's leadership with chance of success: Bao Dai, Hinh and national army and three sects.

As result our discussions we giving consideration to action along following lines and desire your comments:

The problems relating to Chief of Staff will require further consideration when Government of Viet-Nam consolidated. Under present circumstances further demarches should be made jointly or separately to Bao Dai emphasizing consequences in terms of US and French support of failure on his part act in such way to strengthen Diem
