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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011



4. Pursuant to a policy of being clear and strong in its resolve to defend its vital interests, if necessary at the risk of but without being provocative of war, the principal objectives of the United States in the Far East should be:

a. Preservation of the territorial and political integrity of the non-Communist countries in the area against further Communist expansion or subversion.
b. Progressive improvement of the relative political, economic and military position of the non-Communist countries vis-a-vis that of the Asian Communist regimes.
c. Reduction of Chinese Communist power and prestige, or securing by reorientation a Government on the mainland of China whose objectives do not conflict with the vital interests of the United States.
d. Disruption of the Sino-Soviet alliance through actions designed to intensify existing and potential areas of conflict or divergence of interest between the USSR and Communist China.
e. Creation in Asia of political and social forces which will zealously spread the greater values of the Free World arid simultaneously expose the falsity of the Communist ideological offensive.


5. In order to preserve the territorial and political integrity of the area, the United States should:

NSC 5429/5