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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


h. Encourage the conditions necessary to form as soon as possible and then participate in, a Western Pacific collective defense arrangement including the Philippines, Japan, the Republic of China and the Republic of Korea, eventually linked with the Manila Pact and ANZUS.

i. If requested by a legitimate local government which require s assistance to defeat local Communist subversion or rebellion not constituting armed attack, the United States should view such a situation so gravely that, in addition to giving all possible covert and overt support within the Executive Branch authority, the President should at once consider requesting Congressional authority to take appropriate action, which might if necessary and feasible include the use of U.S. military forces either locally or against the external source of such subversion or rebellion (including Communist China if determined to be the source).

j. Assist where necessary and feasible non-Communist Government and other elements in the Far East to counter Communist subversion and economic domination.

k. Maintain sufficient U.S. forces in the Far East as clear evidence of U.S. intention to contribute its full share of effective collective aid to the nations of the area against the Communist threat, and to provide

NSC 5429/5