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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


4663, APRIL 19, 11 P.M. (SECTION ONE OF TWO),

5) With a general election, there is every reason to expect that the people will be represented by people of their own choosing – and not by self appointed spokesmen for the people;

6) I do not believe any freedom-loving Vietnamese – and we all know that we are facing a clear decision between freedom and communism here – is fearful of Communists being elected to high position through the means of a general elections;

7) I would prefer to let an assembly chosen by all the people in a general election be the deciding factor in the continued life of this government – than to have a complex system of contrived representation do so, no matter how wisely this system was devise by a group of men. The people are the ones whose lives are at stake they should be given a voice in their own future;

8) On the basis of these principles dear to me and to free men throughout the world, I am willing to accept coalition.

April 19, 1955

End verbatim text.

2. With reference to last paragraph of note, I asked whom Diem would take into a "coalition". He said that his cabinet ministers should be "capable, neutral" men. He made a point which the note does not repeat not make clear that the coalition he envisages would be formed after (repeat after) general elections to be held in 3 or 4 months. Diem said that his government must fight communism, feudalism and colonialism. If it had 5 or 15 years it could use various peaceful measures. However, owing to exigencies of situation, military pressure must be used. He said he believed the people were i̇n accord with that principle.

