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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


a) "Economic" includes Economic Assistance and Mutual Defense Support.
b) "Other" includes Technical Assistance, Information Services .and Educnti?nal Exchange.
c) This amount includes: Mutual Defense Assistance - $348 million and Direct Forces Support — $745 million.
d) This amount was programmed prior to the Indochina Armistice as: Mutual Defense Assistance - $308 million and Direct Forces Support — $800 million. A similar amount has been requested of the Congress for support of U. S. policy in the general area.
e) The Technical Assistance for Burma was terminated on June 30, 1954 when the deliveries made from contracts placed in prior years were completed. The termination was made at the request of the Burmese Government.
f) This amount includes: Mutual Defense Assistance — $296 million and Direct Forces Support — $30 million.
g) This amount includes: Mutual Defense Assistance — $83 million and Direct Forces Support — $25 million.
h) This does not include material already transferred or to be transferred from the Department of Defense FECOM Reserve. As of March 31, 1954, materiel with a replacement value of $400 million was earmarked for transfer.
i) This amount is to be financed by sales proceeds under Section 550 of the Mutual Security Act of 1953, as amended.
j) This figure represents only the costs for training Koreans in the U. S. The bulk of U. S. assistance to Korea is provided directly by the Department of Defense through Defense appropriations. Such direct military assistance, not included in the figures above, were approximately $ 500 million in FY 1954 and should be approximately $400 million in FY 1955.
NSC 5429/2