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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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307. Lansdale suggests that, in light of the abortive coup against Diem, General McGarr's role should be expanded to permit freer contact with President Diem. Ambassador Durbrow has apparently lost "personal stature" with Diem and should be removed. Lansdale Memorandum for Secretary of Defense, 11 November 1960 1328
308. Diem may react firmly toward the coup leaders since there are similarities to the circumstances of the 1954 attempt. Also Diem is probably now very suspicious of Ambassador Durbrow. State Cable 775 invited. Durbrow to engage in this "demoralizing meddling In Vietnam's affairs." Lansdale Memorandum for Douglas, 15 November 1960 1330
309. The JCS consider that there is a valid requirement to increase the helicopter lift capability of the Vietnamese armed forces at this time, in view of the deteriorating internal security situation in Vietnam. JCS Memorandum for Secretary of Defense, 1 December 1960 1332
310. Nhu and Diem are rankled by American press stories on "autocratic regime." There is below the surface talk of another coup. The coup has increased chances of neutralism and anti-Americanism among GVN critics. It is recommended to continue to urge Diem to adopt effective programs even though the situation in Vietnam is highly dangerous to U.S. interests. Saigon 1151 to State, 5 December 1960 1334
311. The U.S. assessment of the Laotian situation is that, if present trends continue, it will remain one of "confusion, drift, and disintegration.…Laos is heading toward civil war." SNIE 68-60, 6 December 1960 1340
312. The Bon Oum Government is in control, but faces critical problems in the continuing Laos situation. Immediate matters of concern are to bolstering Phoumi forces, forestall Nehru on reconstituting the ICC, and assumption by the U.S. of primary advisor status. 470th NSC Meeting 20 December 1960 1346
313. Diem stresses his need for 20,000 additional troops. Diem states also that corvee labor is the only way to collect "equivalent taxes" from peasants. Durbrow urges adoption of liberalizing programs. Saigon 1216 to state, 24 December 1960 1348
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