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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


which their political frameworks rest, and the importance of the unpredictable personal factor in national politics. Thus the removal of the principal leader, by whatever means, or changes in attitude of the leaders, can have grave repercussions in many of the countries.

Status of U. S. Actions: Indicated, where applicable, under individual country headings.

9. Problem of Overseas Internal Security Program. The Overseas Internal Security Program in Southeast Asia constitutes part of a larger operating problem on a wold-wide basis on which policy guidance is needed. On December 8, 1958, tho President approved a National Security Council action relating to certain policy issues in connection with the Mutual Security Program which:

Requested the Operations Coordinating Board to review the Overseas Internal Security Programs (OISP) with respect to: (1) The validity of the policy stated in the following portions of the basic national security policy, reporting the results of this review to the Council: to the extent possible without sacrifice of U. S. security, the United States should seek to reduce requirements for military assistance by encouraging selected recipient nations (principally non-European) ***** (b) to emphasize police and constabulary type forces for internal security purposes in lieu of largo indigenous military establishments. (2) Certain operational matters raised in the Status Report on the Mutual Security Program.

Status of U. S. Actions: The OCB is currently seized with the above problem.