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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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1961 Page
315. Defense reviews its files to determine the actions taken with State concerning Defense requirement$ for facilities in Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. No requests for facilities in Laos or Vietnam have been made to state except for correspondence on improvement of two airfields in Vietnam. ISA Memorandum for NSC, 4 January 1961 1356
316. The Coumter Insurgency Plan (CIP) for South Vietnam is submitted for approval to Washington. MAAG prepared most of the CIP which is based on State and DOD guidance. Some of the recommendations set forth have already been communicated to GVN. The Country Team is not unanimous, however, on the recommended 20,000-man increase in RVNAF -- Durbrow maintains reservations. The CIP, which is em enclosure to Tele 276, is not reproduced here. Saigon 276 to State, 4 January 1961 1357
317. President Eisenhower meets with President-elect John F Kennedy on the subject of Laos. Attendees are Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara, Douglas Dillon, and Clark M. Clifford. Eisenhower gives the impression that if Laos applies for SEATO aid, the obligation of the U.S. and other signatories is binding. Eisenhower says that "Laos is the key to the entire area of Southeast Asia" -- if Laos falls, then all the area is written off. Kennedy asks "how long it wold take to put a U.S. division into Laos." Memorandum of Eisenhower-Kennedy Conference, 19 January 1961 1360
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