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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


useful projects that have regional aspects; however, if there should develop genuine initiative and support by most of the countries in the area for a regional lending or other economic development institution and if the countries concerned are disposed to cooperate and to put substantial resources of their own into it, the U. S. should examine such a proposal sympathetically with a view to cooperation and to contributing financial support.
c. Encourage other free nations to contribute available resources to promote the economic growth of free Far Eastern countries.
d. Encourage private investment to provide an increasing share of American investment capital and technical know-how required for economic growth; and encourage less developed countries to improve their investment climate for attracting U. S. capital.
e. Encourage free Far East countries to orient their economies toward the free world and to reply primarily on non-Communist markets and sources of supply for trade, technicians, capital development and atomic development.
f. Take all feasible measures to increase the opportunities of such countries for trade with each other and with the United States and other free world countries; Bear in mind that Japan's long-range