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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


"develop an attitude of confidence on the part of the Lao leaders" (P. 45) in UN, SEATO and U. S. support, but rather to make these leaders assume a greater sense of responsibility and take into account the international repercussions which their actions may cause.

7. The entry of the UN into Laos poses new problems but also offers new opportunities to satisfy the increasingly felt yearning for progress. It creates a new factor in Lao foreign relations which will henceforth have to be taken into account.

8. In summary, it is considered that the language of the policy paper no longer applies realistically to existing conditions in Laos and does net provide guidance for our position regarding the assumption of new responsibilities by the United Nations.


Laos: Political Background