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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


Asia, bearing in mind his extreme sensitivity to any suggestion of pressure or slight.

44. Since real or fancied threats from neighboring Free World countries have been a major factor contributing to Cambodia's sense of insecurity and its consequent readiness to accept Sino-Soviet Bloc support, endeavor persistently, and firmly to improve Cambodia's relations with these countries, particularly Thailand and Viet Nam. Take every appropriate occasion to impress on the governments of neighboring countries the importance of repairing their relations with Cambodia.

45. Seek means effectively to promote a sense of responsibility on the part of Sihanouk and other Cambodian leaders for exerting sustained effort to create conditions conducive to better relations with neighboring countries and for avoiding contentious and provocative statements. When feasible and consistent with over-all U. S. interests, take steps to prevent provocative actions by any of the countries concerned.

46. Encourage positive cooperation, between Cambodia and neighboring countries such as joint participation in the development of the Lower Mekong River Basin as a nucleus for regional cooperation and mutual aid.

47. Continue to provide modest military aid to enable the Cambodian armed forces to maintain internal security against Communist subversion or other elements hostile to U. S. interests and to discourage Cambodia from accepting substantial military aid from the Sino-Soviet Bloc.

48. Concentrate U. S. economic and technical assistance primarily in those areas in which increased Communist influence would entail the greatest threat to Cambodia's neutrality and independence.

49. In view of the relatively strong position still maintained by France in Cambodia, seek opportunities for greater mutual understanding and cooperation with the French, in the furtherance of common Free World objectives.


50. Provide military assistance for the development and support of Lao armed forces capable of maintaining internal security against Communist subversion or other elements hostile to U, S. interests and providing limited

NSC 6012

(Revised 8/24/60)