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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011



American Embassy Saigon 276/Desp No.

The Department of State, Washington
January 4, 1961

Department Telegram 658, October 20, 1960

Subject: Counter Insurgency Plan for South Viet-Nam

Reference is made to joint State DOD message, Department's 658 of October 20, 1960, and Defense message DEF 982994 of September 16, 1960, both of which set forth the requirements for the development of an over-all United States plan for encouraging and supporting the Government of Viet-Nam in the present National emergency. Such a plan has been developed by the Country Team and is attached as an enclosure to this despatch for review by interested Washington agencies.

The plan was drafted by a Country Team staff committee composed of the following members: MAAG - Colo F. W . Boye, Jr., Major Kurtz J. Miller, Jr., and Captain Boyd Bashore; Embassy - Joseph A. Mendenhall (Chairman) and Andrew J. Fink; USOM - James W. Howe and William R. Trigg; USIS - John M. Anspacher; and DSA - William E. Colby and Clarence E. Barbier. Because of the importance of military factors in the development of the plan, MAAG assumed the major burden in its preparation, and is to be congratulated on the excellent job it has done.

The plan,based on tasks and concepts outlined in the CINCPAC and OASD/ISA plan for counter-insurgency operations, not only sets forth recommended action in the military field, but also establishes requirements for coordinated and supporting action in the political, economic and psychological fields. In developing the tasks to be undertaken the plan also presents recommendations and justification concerning requirements for United States personnel, materiel, funds and organizational and operational concepts. The Country Team Plan consists of a summary and three Annexes, which discuss Task Organization, Concept of Operations and Logistics. Each Annex also has appropriate appendices which spell out in detail the tasks, the present situation with regard thereto and recommended action. The plan is complete except for appendices relating to a study of the non-military communications system and to economics and finance. These will be forwarded upon completion as supplements to the plan enclosed herewith.