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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

CAMBODIA (Revision of pars. 39-42 of NSC 5809.)

39. Seek to increase Cmabodia's respect for and confidence in the United states and the Free World in order to assist in maintaining Cambodia's independence and in curbing its tendency to increased orientation toward the Sino-Soviet Bloc. To this end demonstrate continued friendly U. S. support for Cambodia's independence, understanding of its policy of neutrality and concern for its economic and social progress.

40. In shaping particular courses of action in Cambodia, take into account the fact that Prince Sihanouk enjoys widespread popularity, particularly among the rural population, and controls all major sources of political power. Devote special efforts toward developing Sihanouk's understanding of U. S. policies and of the U. S. position in Southeast Asia, bearing in mind his extreme sensitivity to any suggestion of pressure or slight.

41. Since real or fancied threats from neighboring Free World countries have been a major factor contributing to Cambodia's sense of insecurity and its consequent readiness to accept Sino-Soviet Bloc support, endeavor persistently and firmly to improve Cambodia's relations with these countries, particularly Thailand and Viet Nam. Take every appropriate occasion to impress on the governments of neighboring countries the importance of repairing their relations with Cambodia