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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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development with minimum loss and best use of resources, additional efforts are recommended: (1) in the planning area, including manpower, and (2) to encourage the use of domestic savings for local investment and to attract foreign capital, by improving the local climate and procedures for investment.

2. Acceleration toward a self-sustaining economy

In addition to the current economic and social programs of longer range development, including those singled out above, there are general considerations underlying acceleration toward a self-sustaining economy that the Joint Groups believe warrant special attention.

a. Development planning

The joint Groups recommend a strengthening of the planning mechanism. This would make possible the preparation of an integrated plan, on the basis of the statement by national leaders of the country's goals covering a period of four or five or eight years. The plan would also indicate the government programs that will be necessary, the expansion of private activity that is anticipated, and the results that will be obtained. Such a plan is a useful framework for year-to-year budgeting of a specific government programs, but it may also serve a broader purpose. The nation's leaders can, through the vehicle of the plan, combine these sector goals into a concrete statement of the nation's purposes and philosophy aimed at capturing the public's imagination.

b. Private investment

In marshalling its resources to meet immediate and longer-term economic problems, the Vietnamese Government recognizes the importance of the potential contribution by the private sector of the economy. This contribution can be maximized by governmental measures to assure the potential domestic and