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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


4. An urgent meeting of the UN Security Council would have been requested, to apply pressure on the USSR to establish an effective cease-fire. A resolution would be introduced into the Security Council which would contain the following elements:

a. Security Council endorsement of Lao neutrality and territorial integrity.
b. A call to establish an effective cease-fire.
c. The sending of small UN teams to Laos to be positioned at strategic points throughout Laos.

5. If such a resolution were vetoed by the USSR in the Security Council, a move into the UNGA would promptly be made.

6. Simultaneously with the initiation of United Nations action, SEATO would proceed with the necessary measures for intervention. Thus, it would mean treating the United Nations action on the same basis as that at the time of the Lebanon crisis. It would not exclude public statements that SEATO forces would be withdrawn if the United Nations reached agreement on appropriate measures.

Political Objective

To confront the Sino-Soviet Bloc with a military force of Free Asians and Western Powers capable of stopping the Communist advance through Laos into South Viet Nam, Thailand and Cambodia by: