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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


I. The US Fourteen Points (January 1965)

  1. Geneva Agreements of 1954 and 1962 are adequate basis for peace.
  2. We welcome conference on SEAsia or on any part thereof.
  3. We welcome "negotiations without pre-conditions."
  4. We welcome unconditional discussions.
  5. Cessation of hostilities could be first order of business or could be subject of preliminary discussions.

Hanoi's four points could be discussed along with other's points.

  1. We want no U.S. bases in SEAsia.
  2. No U.S. troops in South Vietnam after peace is assured.
  3. We support free elections in SVN to give the people a choice.
  4. Question of reunification of Vietnam should be determined by the
  5. Vietnamese through their own free decision.
  6. Countries of SEAsia can be nonaligned or neutral as they choose.
  7. US prefers to use resources for the economic reconstruction in SEAsia. If there is peace, North Vietnam can share benefits of at least $1B we will contribute.
  8. The President: "The Viet Cong would not have difficulty being represented and having their views represented if for a moment Hanoi decided she wanted to cease aggression. I don't think that would be an unsurmountable problem."
  9. We could stop the bombing of NVN as a step toward peace although there has been no hint or suggestion from the other side as to what they would do if the bombing stopped.

II. The NLF Five Points (23 March 1965)

  1. US sabotaged the 1944 Geneva Accords and is solely responsible for the current war.
  2. Negotiations under current conditions would be useless; total US withdrawal is the condition implied.
  3. Vietnam is a single country; however, the statement avoids specific future political relationships between the NLF and the DRV.
  4. NLF relies primarily on its own force and ability, but assistance from all sources will be accepted.
  5. NLF and the people of SVN must continue to fight against the US aggressors.

III. North Vietnam's Four Points (8 April 1965)

  1. Recognition of the basic national rights of the Vietnamese people: peace, independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity. According to the Geneva agreements, the U.S. must withdraw from SVN all troops, military personnel, weapons, dismantle all U.S . military bases there, cancel its millitary alliance with SVN. The U.S . must stop its acts of war against NVN.
  2. Pending peaceful reunification, while Vietnam is still temporarily divided into two zones, the military provisions of the 1954 Geneva agreements must be strictly respected. No foreign military bases, troops, or. military personnel in either territory.
  3. Internal affairs of SVTi must be settled by the South Vietnamese people themselves in accordance with the NFLSV program, Without any foreign interference.
  4. Peaceful reunification of Vietnam is to be settled by the Vietnamese people in both zones, without any foreign interference.