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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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1.  Hans Morgenthau, in "The 1954 Geneva Conference: An Assessment" (America's Stake in Vietnam, New York: American Funds of Vietnam, 1956), says Chou was to Geneva what Metternich was to the Congress of Vienna of 1815.
2.  Aide-memoire delivered by Bonnet to Dulles and Eden June 26, in Dulles' Tel No. 4852 to American Embassy - Paris, 28 June 1954 (TOP SECRET)
3.  White House press release of 21 July 1954
4.  Quoted in Richard P. Stebbins, et al., The United States in World Affairs, 1954 (New York: Harper and Bros., 1956), p. 255
5.  Department of State press release No. 400, 23 July 1954
6.  OCB, Progress Report on United States Objectives and Courses of Action With Respect to Southeast Asia (NSC 5405), 6 August 1954 (TOP SECRET)
7.  NSC, Review of U.S. Policy in the Far East (NSC 5429), 4 August 1954 (TOP SECRET)
8.  Dulles to American Embassy, Paris, Tel No. 77, 7 July 1954 (SECRET)
9.  In its Progress Report of 6 August, OCB said there was need for "political action" to build a strong foundation in free Asia for the continued orientation of the countries there toward the Free World. "A test of such political action and orientation will be the elections in Laos and Cambodia during 1955, and in North and South Vietnam during 1956."
10.  This objective, stated in NSC 5429/1, was approved by the President. See NSC, Review of U.S. Policy in the Far East, 12 August 1954 (TOP SECRET)
11.  Ibid.
12.  Smith from Geneva Tel SECTO 666, 19 July 1954 (TOP SECRET)
13.  Dulles to Smith at Geneva, Tel TOSEC 576 NIACT, 19 July 1954 (TOP SECRET)
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