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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

TOP SECRET – Sensitive

III. A. 1.
1.  MemCon between Douglas MacArthur II (State, Europe) and Laniel at Bermuda, December 4, 1953 (SECRET).
2.  Radford memorandum to the Defense Secretary (Wilson), March 12, 1954 (TOP SECRET).
3.  Dept. of State Press Release No. 165, March 29, 1954. See Part II.B.
4.  Dulles "EYES ONLY" tel. No. 3476 to American Embassy – Paris (Dillon) and No. 5175 to American Embassy – London (Aldrich), April 3, 1954 (TOP SECRET); also Dulles "EYES ONLY" tel. NIACT 5179 to American Embassy – London (Aldrich), April 4, 1954 (TOP SECRET).
5.  Dulles "EYES ONLY" tel. DULTE 15 to the Acting Secretary (Smith) for passage to the President, April 24, 1954 (TOP SECRET).
6.  Dulles "EYES ONLY" tel. DULTE 9 from Geneva for Smith, Dillon, and Aldrich, April 26, 1954 (TOP SECRET).
7.  "United States Position on Indochina to be Taken at Geneva," undated. (TOP SECRET).
8.  The briefing was reported in a priority cable from Dulles at Geneva, tel. SECTO 6, April 25, 1954 (CONFIDENTIAL); emphasis supplied.
9.  Radford memorandum to SecDef, May 7, 1954, Enclosure: "Comments to be furnished to the Secretary of Defense re Radios SECTO 106 and SECTO 110, dated 5 May 1954, and DA IN 59296, dated 6 May 1954" (TOP SECRET).
10.  Ibid.
11.  Reported in Dulles "EYES ONLY" tel. TEDUL 43 to Smith at Geneva, May 8, 1954 (TOP SECRET).
12.  Verbatim Minutes of the Geneva Conference (Dept. of State), Second Plenary Session, p. 87. (Hereafter cited as U.S. Verb Min [session])
13.  U.S. Verb Min/3, p. 122.
14.  Dulles priority tel. TOSEC 138 to Smith at Geneva, May 12, 1954 (CONFIDENTIAL); emphasis supplied.
15.  Ibid.
16.  Dillon priority tel. No. 134 from Paris, July 11, 1954 (TOP SECRET).
17.  Dulles to American Consulate – Geneva, tel. TEDUL 171, June 7, 1954 (TOP SECRET).
TOP SECRET – Sensitive