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16.  U.S. Congress, House, Hearings to Amend the ECA Act of 1948 as Amended, 1950, Part I, 33–35.
17.  Report of NSC 192d meeting, 6 Apr 1954 (TOP SECRET), 3.
18.  NSC 5405-2, Bonesteel Memorandum, NSC Policy Board (TOP SECRET), May 13, 1954.
19.  U.S. Congress, House, Hearings on East–West Trade Before the Sub-Committee on Foreign Economic Policy of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, 83d Congress, 2d Session (GPO, 1954), 292–293.
20.  Memorandum by Merchant (EUR) of conversation between Ambassadors Makin and Smith (U), and between Makin and Dulles, 18 Apr 1954 (SECRET); Tel DULTE 3, 22 Apr 1954, from Paris (TOP SECRET). Reported in State Department Research Project 370, 21–22.
21.  NSC 5405-2, Bonesteel Memorandum, NSC Policy Board (TOP SECRET), May 13, 1954.
22.  Robert Cutler, in a White House Memorandum of May 7, 1954 (TOP SECRET), calls the 5-power Staff Agency a "white man's party," Cf., NSC File No. 5405.
23.  NSC 5405-2, Policy Planning Board files, April, May, June (TOP SECRET), Paragraph 17 of NSC 5405 (TOP SECRET) states: "Take measures to promote the coordinated defense of Southeast Asia, recognizing that the initiative in regional defense measures must come from the governments of the area." ISA Memorandum, Wade to Bonesteel, 13 Apr 1954 (TOP SECRET) comments on this paragraph: "In view of what we are now trying to do toward organizing a regional group, the initiative is obviously with us."
24.  Memorandum to SecDef, "Report on the Manila Conference" (SECRET), 14 Sep 1954, p. 1 (hereafter referred to as "Manila Report").
25.  John R. Beal, John Foster Dulles (New York: Harper, 1957), 222; reported in Roscoe Robinson, SEATO: An Appraisal (University of Pittsburgh Marter's Thesis, 1964). Cf., also Hearings, 83d Congress, 2d Session, Part I, 1954.
26.  Memorandum to SecDef, "Report on the Manila Conference" (SECRET), 14 Sep 1954, 3; A.S.B. Olver, SEATO: The Manila Treaty and Western Policy in Southeast Asia. (London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1956), p. 12.
27.  Manila Report (SECRET), 2.
28.  New York Times, September 8, 1954
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