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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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during the Washington Conference of late September 1954. The agreement was loosely worded; U.S. and French interpretations differed — but the U.S. Version prevailed. Chief of Naval Operations Memorandum for Record, "U.S.–French Talks Regarding Indochina," 27 Sep 54, 10 Oct 54 (TS); State Msg 99 to Phnom Penh, 13 Oct 54 (TS); State Msg 2213 to Saigon, 1 Dec 54 (S).

28.  In a study of June 1951, the JCS had estimated that some 2250 advisors would be required to train the Vietnamese military forces. MAAG Indochina was limited to 342 men.
29.  JCS Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, Subject: "Development and Retention of Forces in Indochina", 22 Sep 54 (TS).
30.  Letter, Secretary of State to Secretary of Defense, 11 Oct 54 (TS).
31.  JCS Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, Subject "Development and Training of Indigenous Forces in Indochina", 19 Oct 54 (TS).
32.  Record of Action, 218th Meeting, 22 Oct 54 (TS); Deptel 1679 to Saigon, 22 Oct 54 (S).
33.  NSC Action 1250; cited in Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense from H. Streuve Hensel (AD/ISA), Subject: "Development of Indigenous Forces in Indochina", 30 Oct 54 (TS).
34.  JCS Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, Subject: "Development of Indigenous Forces in Indochina", 17 Nov 54 (TS).
35.  Memorandum for the President from Dulles; Subject: "General Collins' Recommendations Regarding Military Force Levels in Vietnam", 17 Nov 54 (TS).
36.  NIE 63-5-54
37.  Saigon Msgs 971, 11 Sep 54 (TS); 1036, 16 Sep 54 (TS); 1076, 17 Sep 54 (TS); 1204, 24 Sep 54 (TS); 933, 9 Sep 54 (S): 953, 954, 10 Sep 54 (S).
38.  Saigon Msgs 1330, 5 Oct 54 (S); 1382, 8 Oct 54 (S); 1397, 10 Oct 54 (S); 1434, 13 Oct 54 (S); 1487, 18 Oct 54 (S); 1493, 19 Oct 54 (S).
39.  Report of the Saigon Military Mission (SMM), 1954–1955 (S).
40.  Paris Msgs 1927, 5 Nov 54 (S); 2036, 12 Nov 54 (S); 2211, 25 Nov 54 (S); 2240, 28 Nov 54 (S); 2272, 30 Nov 54 (C); 2290, 1 Dec 54 (C); Saigon Msg 1807, 12 Nov 54 (S).
41.  Saigon Msgs 1036, 16 Sep 54 (TS); 1204, 24 Sep 54 (TS).
42.  Saigon Msg 794, 29 Aug 54 (S).
43.  Saigon Msgs 1150, 1154, 21 Sep 54 (TS); 1162, 22 Sep 54 (TS); 1185,
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