Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. A. 3.djvu/71

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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57.  Paris Msg 2080, 15 Nov 54 (S).
58.  Ibid.
59.  Paris Msg 646, 15 Aug 514 (S); Saigon Msg 494, 8 Aug 54 (S).
60.  Saigon Msgs 795, 29 Aug 54 (S); 507, 10 Aug 54 (S); 721, 24 Aug 54 (S). Paris Msg 646, 15 Aug 54 (S).
61.  Paris Msg 1665, 29 Oct 54 (S).
62.  New York Times, 11 Dec 54; Deptel to Saigon, 2413, 13 Dec 54 (C); Paris Msg 2542, 14 Dec 54 (C).
63.  83d Congress, 2d Session, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations: "Report of Senator Mike Mansfield on a Study Mission to Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos", 15 Oct 54.
64.  Paris Msg 1608, 16 Oct 54 (S); Saigon Msgs 1478, 17 Oct 54 (S); 1501, 20 Oct 54 (S).
65.  DULTE 5 from Paris, 21 Oct 54 (TS). Robert Shaplen, op. cit., p. 118, reports these comments by Kenneth Young: "We realized we had to proceed carefully with the French, so when they made clear their position on Diem, we sent a cable to Senator Mansfield, of the Foreign Relations Committee, who was abroad, asking him what he thought of Diem as Premier. Mansfield was an old friend of Diem's and we knew what the answer would be in advance, of course, but it stunned the French. While they then dropped their open campaign to dump Diem, it became apparent that they were still maneuvering behind the scenes toward the same objective, and we realized that while we still had to work with the French in Vietnam, we would have to adopt a more independent position."
66.  NSC Record of Action, 218th Meeting, 22 Oct 54 (TS); TEDUL 14, NIACT, to Paris, 22 Oct 54 (TS); Paris Msgs 1718, 24 Oct 54 (TS); 1737, 25 Oct 54 (TS).
67.  Memorandum of Conversation, Secretary of State Dulles, French Ambassador Bonnet, Subject: "Indochina," 26 Oct 54 (S).
68.  Paris Msgs 1718, 24 Oct 54 (TS); 1737, 25 Oct 54 (TS).
69.  Deptel 1565 to Paris, 29 Oct 54 (TS).
70.  Paris Msgs 1835, 1836, 30 Oct 54 (TS).
71.  Letter President D.D. Eisenhower to General J. Lawton Collins, 3 Nov 54 (TS).
72.  Saigon Msgs 1761, 8 Nov 54 (S); 1830, 15 Nov 54 (TS); FAO Washington
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