Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. A. 4.djvu/105

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011



I. Unclassified Materials
A. Books and Reports
Bain, Chester, Vietnam: The Roots of Conflict, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1967.
Bator, Victor, Vietnam, a Diplomatic Tragedy: The Origins of the United States Involvement, Oceana Publications, Inc., Dobbs Ferry, New York, 1965.
Bodord, Lucian, (trans. by Patrick O'Brien), The Quicksand War: Prelude to Vietnam, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 1967.
Buttinger, Joseph, Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled: Volume I, From Colonialism to the Vietnam, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1967.
Buttinger, Joseph, Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled: Volume II, Vietnam at War, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1967.
Chatham House Study Group, Collective Defence in Southeast Asia: The Manila Treaty and its Implications, Oxford University Press, London, 1956.
Duncanson, Dennis J., Government and Revolution in Vietnam, Oxford University Press, London, 1968.
Ely, General D'Armee Paul, Memoires L'Indochine Dans La Tourmente, Libraire Plon, Paris, 1964.
Fall, Bernard B., Street Without Joy: Insurgency in Indochina, 1946–1963, Stackpole Company, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1961.
Fall, Bernard B., The Two Vietnams: A Political and Military Analysis, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1964.
Fall, Bernard B., Vietnam Witness 1953–66, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1966.
Gavin, James C., Crisis Now, Random House, New York, 1968.
Gettleman, Marvin E., ed., Vietnam: History, Documents, and Opinions on a Major World Crisis, Fawcett World Library, New York, 1965.
Gurtov, Melvin, The First Vietnam Crisis: Chinese Communist Strategy and the United States Involvement 1953–1954, Columbia University Press, New York, 1967.