Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. A. 4.djvu/113

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Memorandum for SECDEF from JSC, "U. S. Assumption of Training Responsibilities in Indochina, August 4, 1954. (S)
Letter, SECDEF to SECSTATE, August 12, 1954. (S)
Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "U. S. Assumption of Training Responsibilities in Indochina, 11 September 22, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "Retention and Development of Forces in Vietnam," September 22, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "Military Consultation under the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty," 11 October 8, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum, SECDEF from JCS, "Development and Training of Indigenous Forces in Indochina," October 19, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum, SECDEF to JCS, October 26, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum for SECDEF from JCS, "Indochina," November 17, 1954. (TS)
Memorandum for JCS from SECDEF, "Reconsideration U. S. Military Programs in Southeast Asia," January 5, 1955. (TS)
Memorandum for SECDEF, "Reconsiderations of U. S. Military Programs in Southeast Asia," January 21, 1955. (TS)
History of the Indochina Incident, Historical Section, JCS, Series B, February 1, 1955. (TS)
Draft, History of the Indochina Incident; Supplements 1–3, Series B, Historical Section, n.d.(TS)
Message CHMAAG Indochina to CNO MG 125A 100810A, February 1955, DA-IW 117629. (S)
Memorandum, SECDEF to SERVICE SECRETARIES and JCS, "Report on Vietnam for the NSC," February 3, 1955. (TS)
Memorandum for SECDEF from the JCS, "Concept and Plans for the Implementation If Necessary of Article IV, 1, of the Manila Pact," February 11, 1955. (TS)
Report of the Saigon Military Mission, August 1954 - August 1955. (S)
Memorandum for SECDEF from the JCS, "U. S. Policy in the Event of a Reversal of Aggression in Vietnam," September 9, 1955. (TS)
Report of Visit of Lt. General Bruce C. Clarke, Commanding General, U. S. Army Pacific to Western Pacific and Southeast Asia, September 6–29, 1955. (S)
Memorandum for SECDEF, "Raising U. S. Military Personnel Ceiling of MAAG Vietnam," December 9, 1955. (S)